
Paper copies of any policy can be requested from the school office.

Acceptable Use Policy & Staff Agreement

Acceptable Use Agreement 2023 Parent and Pupils

Accessibility Plan

Anti-Bullying and Anti-Hate Policy

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

Appraisal Policy

Assessment, Feedback and Marking Policy

Attendance Policy


Bereavement Policy

Capability Policy

Charges and Remissions Policy

Children with Health Needs that Cannot Attend School

Collective Worship Policy

School Complaints Policy

Conduct Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Conflict of Interests Policy

Covid-19 Whole School Risk Assessment Reviewed February 2022

Data Protection Policy

Early Careers Teachers (ECT) Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equality Objectives

E-Safety Policy

Exclusion and Suspension Policy

Fire Safety Policy

First Aid Policy

Flexible Working Policy

Governor Allowances Policy

Grievance Policy

Guidance for Safer Working Practice for those working with children and young people in education settings

Handwriting Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Homework Policy 23-24

Inclusion and Special Needs Policy

Inclusion and SEN Information Report

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Lockdown Policy

Looked after Children and Children in Care Policy

Low Level Concerns Policy

Managing Sickness Policy

Offer of Early Help Policy

Parent Carer Visitor Code of Conduct

Parental Social Media Agreement

Pay Policy

Reading & Phonics Policy

Relationships Policy

Remote Learning Behaviour Expectations

Covid-19 Relationships (Behaviour) Annex September 2020

Sex and Relationship Policy

Religious Education Policy

Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy

Safe Space Policy

School Environment Policy

Sharps Policy

Site Security Policy

Spiritual Policy

Staff Code of Conduct

Student and Volunteer Policy

Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions

Teaching & Learning Policy

Team Teach Policy

Thrive Policy- Supporting Mental Health and Well-being

Intimate Care and Toileting Policy

Transition Policy EYFS

Uniform Policy

Upton Earlies and Lates Policies and Procedures

Use of Positive Touch Policy

Vexatious Complaints Policy

Walking Home from School Policy 2022-23

Whistleblowing Policy

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018

Writing Policy

School Vision

Building foundations for a love of life, a love of learning and a love of one another